Brand Identity

Visual identity is one of the duties in charged for designers, many times we see how companies underestimate such a strong and important element for them, we are talking about the image that represents them towards their clients. It is graphic’s job, creating trough this “little drawing” but important symbol (logo), who speaks for the essence of an organization or a service.

These are some of my works about logo design creations:

Make click forward or backward to navigate trough the images
Visual Identity
home investment logo
The client wanted something different than involving houses or roof houses for home investment business, I went for the key concept and playing with the name of the company representing property and home ® forbidden reproduction. ©
Logo design for client located on New Jersey, Usa, wich offers cleaning services mainly for offices, the client wanted the logo to have a good energy, and in feng shui terms, to reflect it on his bussines, that is why besides communicating the purpose of the company, I focused on the logo how to trasnmit this, I wanted to play with this by doing the Victory sign ✌ besides being the M of the Mac on the typography, as a way to reflect and call prosperity in the bussines. ® forbidden reproduction. ©
Logo for Seed’s company that extracts oil from plants to industrial purposes
Business card design.
Business card design.
Business card design.
Business card design.
Card's design for agriculture company
Card’s design for agriculture company
Propose for french national day party – environmental theme – I want the spectator plays to find and search the meaning of the logo, by being a mysterious symbol, besides of its effortless and elegance.
Contest propose - Poster design, envelope and invitations design.
Contest propose – Poster design, envelope and invitations design.
Logo design for home hospitalizations brand. On my mind It was always the objective to communicate the benefit of healing at home through the colors and shapes of the logo. ® Carvajal T&S forbidden reproduction. ©
Design applied for web.
Design applied for web. To see project in more detail, go to printing and web section
Logo re-design for an app web for hospitals
The client needed to update his old image and by changing the logo, the interface had some small changes as well, making a design cleaner and improving the look of the web.
The client needed to update his old image and by changing the logo, the interface had some small changes as well, making a design cleaner and improving the look of the web.
Logo for personal proyect, design touristic brand of products
Label design for Colinda T-shirts
Label design for Colinda T-shirts
Logo design for jewelry line and accessories
facebook - Picture on Bogotá market. Label Design Hortensia accesories
facebook – Picture on Bogotá market. Label Design Hortensia accesories
Logo for brochettes, live music and art expositions restaurant
Brand Identity "Pincharte" Iza, Boyacá (Colombia)
Brand Identity “Pincharte” Iza, Boyacá (Colombia)
Business card and sheet design, Stationery corporation,
Business card and sheet design, Stationery corporation,
Santa clara corporation
Winning logo contest for Health & Society magazine
Logo for natural parks of Colombia
Compact Disc application
Compact Disc application
Logo proposal for Bogota's metro and cards
Logo proposal for Bogota’s metro and cards
Logo design for medic portal. ® Carvajal T&S forbidden any reproduction. ©
Before and after of the image re design of the product. Go to Printing-Web section to see more details regarding this project
Before and after of the image re design of the product. Go to Printing-Web section to see more details regarding this project
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